23 July 2014
Top 5 Matches for Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns is WWE's next huge star and he is basically a main event guy. Now I put this article together because throughout the career for Reigns he needs huge matches that must happen. Why? He's the face of WWE in the future and I want these five matches to happen and to put him over. People love him and he might main event WM in the near future this guy is big in WWE right now.
Now before I reveal 'Top 5 Matches for Roman Reigns' I just want to let you know that these are just predication and these are my top matches that must happen.
Alright, my first match must happen is Roman Reigns vs Triple H. This was suppose to be a rumor match for SummerSlam 2014 but it seems like unlikely. Both started their feud back in day before WrestleMania 30 and this will be a huge match for Reigns. It will put him over and it will give him more buzz as a wrestler. Some say this feud will take place at Night of Champions and honestly I just can't wait for it.
Second, Roman Reigns vs Batista and they both met at Royal Rumble 2014. Let me tell you something it was huge and I love it. This match must happen because they both are very similar in a way. I don't like comparing people but Reigns is our version of Batista. Just to point out a fact. I really hope when Batista does return this match will happen and what it seems to me I think it will. They both are amazing wrestlers and it will be amazing to see this type of match.
Now, third and fourth are one of rumored match for Wrestlemania 31 and its Reigns vs Rock or Reigns vs Lesnar. Honestly, this is one of the biggest match for Reigns and I'm excited for both one. Lesnar vs Reigns is going to be epic because these two are huge and it would be amazing to see what they both do. Reigns vs Rock is also one of the biggest match because they both are huge and bold. Also they are cousin so it would also be amazing to see what they do. If one of these do happen I will be excited! Since, Rock is going to come back in WWE as he said on ESPN I hope he faces Reigns because Rock needs someone to face and Reigns is a perfect guy. I hope these two match happen in near future! It will be epic.
Lastly, this is one match will some people will not like but its also huge and its Reigns vs Orton. Orton has long history in WWE and he accomplish a lot and he is A+ star. And for Reigns going one on one with Orton its going to be huge. This is rumored match for Summerslam 2014 and most people want to see Reigns vs Triple H but it doesn't matter Reigns facing Orton will be epic. This is long time feud and I can't wait for this to happen.
Full List:
Roman Reigns vs Triple H
Roman Reigns vs Batista
Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar
Roman Reigns vs The Rock
Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton