24 July 2014
Top 5 Rivalries in 2009
I was watching this weeks WWE Countdown called Top 10 Rivalries of All-Time. I may agree some of the ranking they left out like Triple H vs Randy Orton or Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk. I thought those were great but it did said of all time so I don't know if it could been one of those list. Anyway, it made me think of doing one and I wanted to do one that was in 2009. Why? I like some heating Rivalries back then so I made my choice and here's my Top 5 Rivalries in 2009.
#5: CM Punk vs Undertaker for World Heavy Weight Championship at Breaking Point -
CM Punk became the WHC after beating Jeff Hardy at Summerslam and the match was TLC. And became the new WHC and leaving Hardy with nothing. While Punk was celebrating in the ring the light went and then light came back. Undertaker was laying beneath the feet's of Punk and didn't found out till Undertaker got up and choked slam Punk. The feud was amazing to see and it was a turning point to Punk's career and I enjoyed it and it was great way leading to the PPV called Breaking Point.
#4: Edge vs John Cena for World Heavy Weight Championship at Blasklash -
Cena won the WHC when he defeated Edge and Big Show at Wrestlemania 25 by picking up both of them doing double AA. If you didn't know but this was a long time rivalry in WWE history starting at 2006. I was pretty much excited for this match again but this was a last man standing match at Blacklash and Edge made the build up amazing because he told many story. This was the one of best rivalry ever!
#3: Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 25 -
Michaels really wanted to fight Undertaker to take on his amazing streak at WM 25. And what a better way to have Undertaker's opponent at the 25th annual then Michaels. Two greatest icons, wrestlers, and performers! This match was going to be talked for long time and it still is. I loved this feud because Michaels bought up the light against the darkness and wore the suit and bring the light and everything was amazing. These two are the greatest wrestlers in history of WWE and its a fact. This was amazing feud and one of Wreslemania moment.
#2: John Cena vs Randy Orton for WWE Championship at Bragging Rights -
This is a feud of generation! This match or feud took way back ago when Orton punted Cena's dad and it became a personal rivalry and what way to end this epic rivalry then making a iron man match. I honestly just have goosebumps just talking about this I mean I really loved this feud. These two man been fighting back and fourth for the title and nearly every PPV and this was just epic.
#1: Triple H vs Randy Orton for WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 25 -
EPIC FEUD!!! This feud was pure gold the storyline was amazing and everything leading tho WM 25 was amazing. The way Orton said he will take out Triple H's family and he did by punting Shane and then punting Mr. McMahon and if that wasn't clear then kissing Stephanie front of Triple H. Then Triple H got revenge by destroying Orton's home and him and it was real and it was awesome. Then Mr. McMahon, Shane, and Triple H all came out to take out legacy and it was just great to see it. I loved it and I'm glad this was the feud of 2009!