25 July 2014

Smackdown Review: July 25, 2014

The Usos vs RybAxel
The show started off with both teams facing each other in non title match. It went back and fourth with both team and it wasn't that good because the ending to the match sucked. Jey was the illegal man in the match who got thrown over the rope leaving Jey Uso alone. Then Jimmy got there and doing old switchero and making Axel thinking that its Jey. Jimmy got the pin and picks up the victory. 
'MizTV' w/ Bo Dallas and Dolph Ziggler
The Miz came down the ramp with a huge simile because he is the new IC. There was no guest just him and the whole segment was saying "Thank You' because he won this Sunday at Battleground. He then went over to his parents who were just "supporting" him and all. Then went back to the ring and saying thank you's to lots of people. Then got interrupted by Bo Dallas saying that he forgot to him to thank you and Miz saying hes a huge fan. Then he got interrupted and punched Miz and pushed Dallas causing a match between Miz and Dallas.

24 July 2014

Top 5 Rivalries in 2009

I was watching this weeks WWE Countdown called Top 10 Rivalries of All-Time. I may agree some of the ranking they left out like Triple H vs Randy Orton or Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk. I thought those were great but it did said of all time so I don't know if it could been one of those list. Anyway, it made me think of doing one and I wanted to do one that was in 2009. Why? I like some heating Rivalries back then so I made my choice and here's my Top 5 Rivalries in 2009.

#5: CM Punk vs Undertaker for World Heavy Weight Championship at Breaking Point - 
CM Punk became the WHC after beating Jeff Hardy at Summerslam and the match was TLC. And became the new WHC and leaving Hardy with nothing. While Punk was celebrating in the ring the light went and then light came back. Undertaker was laying beneath the feet's of Punk and didn't found out till Undertaker got up and choked slam Punk. The feud was amazing to see and it was a turning point to Punk's career and I enjoyed it and it was great way leading to the PPV called Breaking Point. 

#4: Edge vs John Cena for World Heavy Weight Championship at Blasklash - 
Cena won the WHC when he defeated Edge and Big Show at Wrestlemania 25 by picking up both of them doing double AA. If you didn't know but this was a long time rivalry in WWE history starting at 2006. I was pretty much excited for this match again but this was a last man standing match at Blacklash and Edge made the build up amazing because he told many story. This was the one of best rivalry ever!

#3: Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 25 - 
Michaels really wanted to fight Undertaker to take on his amazing streak at WM 25. And what a better way to have Undertaker's opponent at the 25th annual then Michaels. Two greatest icons, wrestlers, and performers! This match was going to be talked for long time and it still is. I loved this feud because Michaels bought up the light against the darkness and wore the suit and bring the light and everything was amazing. These two are the greatest wrestlers in history of WWE and its a fact. This was amazing feud and one of Wreslemania moment. 

#2: John Cena vs Randy Orton for WWE Championship at Bragging Rights - 
This is a feud of generation! This match or feud took way back ago when Orton punted Cena's dad and it became a personal rivalry and what way to end this epic rivalry then making a iron man match. I honestly just have goosebumps just talking about this I mean I really loved this feud. These two man been fighting back and fourth for the title and nearly every PPV and this was just epic.

#1: Triple H vs Randy Orton for WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 25 - 
EPIC FEUD!!! This feud was pure gold the storyline was amazing and everything leading tho WM 25 was amazing. The way Orton said he will take out Triple H's family and he did by punting Shane and then punting Mr. McMahon and if that wasn't clear then kissing Stephanie front of Triple H. Then Triple H got revenge by destroying Orton's home and him and it was real and it was awesome. Then Mr. McMahon, Shane, and Triple H all came out to take out legacy and it was just great to see it. I loved it and I'm glad this was the feud of 2009!

23 July 2014

Top 5 Matches for Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns is WWE's next huge star and he is basically a main event guy. Now I put this article together because throughout the career for Reigns he needs huge matches that must happen. Why? He's the face of WWE in the future and I want these five matches to happen and to put him over. People love him and he might main event WM in the near future this guy is big in WWE right now. 

Now before I reveal 'Top 5 Matches for Roman Reigns' I just want to let you know that these are just predication and these are my top matches that must happen.

Alright, my first match must happen is Roman Reigns vs Triple H. This was suppose to be a rumor match for SummerSlam 2014 but it seems like unlikely. Both started their feud back in day before WrestleMania 30 and this will be a huge match for Reigns. It will put him over and it will give him more buzz as a wrestler. Some say this feud will take place at Night of Champions and honestly I just can't wait for it.

Second, Roman Reigns vs Batista and they both met at Royal Rumble 2014. Let me tell you something it was huge and I love it. This match must happen because they both are very similar in a way. I don't like comparing people but Reigns is our version of Batista. Just to point out a fact. I really hope when Batista does return this match will happen and what it seems to me I think it will. They both are amazing wrestlers and it will be amazing to see this type of match.

Now, third and fourth are one of rumored match for Wrestlemania 31 and its Reigns vs Rock or Reigns vs Lesnar. Honestly, this is one of the biggest match for Reigns and I'm excited for both one. Lesnar vs Reigns is going to be epic because these two are huge and it would be amazing to see what they both do. Reigns vs Rock is also one of the biggest match because they both are huge and bold. Also they are cousin so it would also be amazing to see what they do. If one of these do happen I will be excited! Since, Rock is going to come back in WWE as he said on ESPN I hope he faces Reigns because Rock needs someone to face and Reigns is a perfect guy. I hope these two match happen in near future! It will be epic. 

Lastly, this is one match will some people will not like but its also huge and its Reigns vs Orton. Orton has long history in WWE and he accomplish a lot and he is A+ star. And for Reigns going one on one with Orton its going to be huge. This is rumored match for Summerslam 2014 and most people want to see Reigns vs Triple H but it doesn't matter Reigns facing Orton will be epic. This is long time feud and I can't wait for this to happen. 

Full List:
Roman Reigns vs Triple H
Roman Reigns vs Batista
Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar
Roman Reigns vs The Rock
Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton 

22 July 2014

Article: When will Dave Return, Possible Feud

I know many people aren't big fan of Batista well they were but ever since he won Royal Rumble people turned on him. Not getting to deep into this but just laying out the facts. Batista has been gone ever since the day after Extreme Rules. Why? Because he isn't liking the way WWE are taking place? All though it may sound true its not. The real reason he "left" was to promote his upcoming movie. He's not really gone from WWE. 

I like Batista and he is amazing wrestler so don't blame him for winning the Royal Rumble blame the Creative Team. I mean come on its been 6-7 months lets just move on and start cheering Batista. He needs and we all owe Dave some respect I mean he has a busy calender. For him taking time to come WWE is really hard so we have to respect him. Anyway all I'm saying is Dave is a great guy and we should cheer him.

The real reason you guys are reading this that will Batista return and future feud? Right now,  I'm going to talk about will Batista return. The answer is Yes! Batista isn't quitting WWE he's just taking time to promote his movie. Anyway, Batista was suppose to return somewhere SummerSlam season. Well within week away I don't think he'll return till after SummerSlam ends. But I can be wrong although what WWE is in this place I don't think they need till after SummerSlam. Batista will return after SummerSlam because what direction WWE is taking. 

Now, why I said after SummerSlam? Will you guys already know the main event for SummerSlam, John Cena vs Brock Lesnar, and whoever wins will might face Batista. What I'm about to say is not spoiler its just my prediction. At SummerSlam John Cena might drop his titles. Why you say? Cena is suppose to have a feud with Rusev after SummerSlam or somewhere around that. What seems like to me Rusev is not ready for a title shot and thats what I'm saying he might drop it. 

Lesnar has win because he just broke the streak and it makes sense to keep on going by becoming the WWE/WHC and it all makes sense. So who will Lesnar next opponent be? You got it, its Batista! Batista is ready for a title shot and thats next big feud for Lesnar. And this is where Batista is Face. How? Don't you understand Lesnar is a 'Triple H Guy' and Batista is not. Two MMA Fighters! Going one on one and its perfect booking for Night of Champions. This is how everything will work and finally Dave will get all the respect.

21 July 2014

Raw Review: July 21, 2014

Triple H talks about John Cena and his future title opponent 
Triple H was rage with mad because last night the title did not came back to the Authority. Then he just starts make fun of IWC which was pretty entertaining. Triple H starts talking about the future opponent whill face him at Summerslam. He was then cut by Orton who he just said he wants a rematch then Kane came put said the same thing. Reigns said that he wants to face Cena at Summerslam. Where then Triple H said he'll make his final thoughts later on tonight. Reigns then superman punch Kane and making a handicap match. 
Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton & Kane
Reigns was put into this match for crossing the Authority. It was great way to open the show to most part Reigns owned it. Then Kane was going to tag Orton but he backed off. Allowing Reigns to pick up the win and having a stare off between Reigns and Orton
Nikki vs Eva Marie, Alicia Fox, Cameron, & Rosa
Nikki was coming down to the ramp and saw Brie in the crowd went over there and hugged her. Then Steph's music hit to confront Brie and it was pretty solid promo. Brie trash talked her and said "bitch" which cause Steph to slap Brie and take out to the back. Steph said to start the match making all the Divas to attack Nikki and pick up the win. Having a huge smile in her face.
Bo Dallas vs Damien Sandow
Sandow came out and making fun of the heats fun because the way James left the heat and all. The match started and it wasn't that bad but it didn't last long because Bo picked up the win and the "streak lives." 

Battleground Review: July 20th, 2014

The Usos vs Wyatt Family in a 2 out of 3 Falls Match (WWE Tag Team Championship)
This match was the opening show and yet again people chanted "This is Awesome!" The first fall the Wyatt won and then the second fall Uso won. Which it predictable because this WWE common thing where two teams tie the score and then its every team for them self. It was a close match but the Uso won! I thought the Wyatt would win this time because how many chance they been giving but I guess not. Overall it was great way to open the show.
AJ Lee vs Paige (Divas Championship)
Wasn't that bad of a match I think many people would pick Paige winning because she didn't had that long of a reign. It wen't back and forth between AJ and Paige and AJ picks up the win. I honestly thought this was a heel turn for Paige but nothing happened so that was a bummer. Right now Paige needs something for her career and a heel turn would be perfect. 

07 June 2014

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan vs. Kane (Stretcher Match)?

At Money in the Bank, WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan will either return to action to take on Kane, the very Superstar who put him on the disabled list in the first place, or Stephanie McMahon will strip him of WWE’s most prized crown and put the title up for grabs in the night's Money in the Bank Ladder Match.

If Bryan is able to compete, the former tag team partners will face off in not just any ordinary matchup. Instead, their championship contest will be a Stretcher Match, a bout that can only be won when one Superstar incapacitates his opponent long enough to place him onto a stretcher, wheel him up the aisle and past a finish line.

The Beard knows what it’s like to be strapped to a gurney. Bryan had to be carted out of the arena after Kane Tombstoned him three times — including once on a set of steel steps —on the April 21 edition of Raw. The popular “Yes!” Man earned some measure of retribution on May 4 with a victory over The Devil’s Favorite Demon in a harrowing Extreme Rules Match that featured tire irons, forklifts and a flaming table. Though Bryan’s efforts were enough to keep Kane down for a three-count, the demonic Superstar only appeared more enraged, if not indestructible, when he sat up moments after the winning pinfall.

Bryan’s troubles with Kane didn’t end there. Last month, days before undergoing surgery to repair nerve damage in his neck, the leader of the “Yes!” Movement was assaulted backstage by Kane — an attack that further exacerbated his injuries.  

The WWE World Heavyweight Champion isn’t the only member of his household who has felt the wrath of Kane or, for that matter, Stephanie McMahon. Bryan’s wife, Brie Bella, has been terrorized by the masked hell-raiser and, when facing being fired by the WWE Principal Owner, quit WWE at Payback in support of her husband.

Will The Beard be able to battle The Authority’s red-and-black terror on June 29, or will the brave Superstar be forced to relinquish the title he worked so hard to achieve?

Find out when Money in the Bank airs live on WWE Network and pay-per-view on Sunday, June 29, at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.