Chants were all over CM Punk & More
There was a small group of fans on Twitter Monday night that are claiming they were thrown out of RAW for chanting CM Punk but they appear to be just troll accounts. Many readers in attendance noted that while there were Punk chants all night, no fans were thrown out for it. CM Punk signs did indeed get confiscated but no one was kicked out for chanting for Punk.
The fan with the “My Other CM Punk Sign Got Confiscated” on Raw, which you can check out below, had that sign confiscated as well.
Still chanted at Superstars & More
Fans in attendance at Monday’s RAW noted that CM Punk chants began during the Superstars tapings. Monday’s RAW began with Punk chants during Randy Orton’s promo and then during the appearance by Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. The chants weren’t as loud as expected and didn’t last very long.