22 July 2013

The 10 best matches of three-hour Raws

Time flies, huh? This week marks the 52nd episode of Raw since its three-hour expansion at Raw 1,000, meaning it’s been one full year since WWE’s flagship show grew to its current, plus-sized three hours. Though the move was met with controversy at the time (we believe CM Punk referred to it once as “insufferable”), there’s no denying the quality of competition has increased along with the show’s running time.

Over the past year, the WWE Universe has been treated to a cornucopia of classic matches on Monday nights, from the emergence of The Shield to the return of The Undertaker. So, in celebration of the big one-year anniversary, WWE.com has put our heads together to bring you the 10 best matches of the expansion era so far.

Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk (Feb. 4, 2013)

One week after making a surprise return at Royal Rumble, Chris Jericho battled old rival CM Punk in hard-hitting back-and-forth encounter that showed why each man has claimed to be “the best in the world.”

In what was Punk’s first match since losing the WWE Championship to The Rock, fans had the ability to select his opponent via the WWE App. When Jericho scored 57% of the vote, it rekindled a rivalry that defined much of 2012. But this time, the tables had turned. Now, Punk was the delusional villain with Jericho a returning hero. Both veterans were familiar with their opponent’s repertoire, resulting in each competitor being prepared for the other’s signature maneuvers and several impressive reversals.

The Phillips Arena fans didn’t know what to make of the contest, first chanting “overrated” and then “this is awesome,” leading Punk to berate the bipolar crowd. In the end, “The Voice of the Voiceless” was victorious, and yes, Atlanta, it was, indeed, awesome.

In a dizzying sequence, Jericho attempts a Lionsault, but before Y2J can springboard off the ropes, Punk gets him in position for the GTS. The Fozzy front man counters and slides his rival into The Walls of Jericho, but Punk captures his opponent with an inside cradle, which Jericho also reverses into a two-count of his own.

John Cena vs. CM Punk – WWE Championship No. 1 Contender's Match (Feb, 24, 2013)

At this point, nothing less than magic is expected when John Cena and CM Punk step into the ring together. Happily, the most recent match, a No. 1 contender’s contest between the longtime enemies, delivered just that and then some. With a main event spot at WrestleMania hanging in the balance, the Cenation leader got the fight of his life from the Superstar who has grown to be his greatest rival.

An increasingly manic Punk pulled out all the stops in a bid to punch his first ticket to the main event of The Show of Shows, blasting Cena with the Go to Sleep and Anaconda Vise in a wild attempt to send his heroic foil home empty-handed. Yet The Straight Edge Superstar’s rabid game plan soon led to desperation, and Cena took advantage of a poorly advised top-rope attack from The Straight Edge Superstar to finally claim the win in a contest that, frankly, could have been a WrestleMania main event in and of itself.

Cena dodges a flying elbow and catches some air of his own with a hurricanrana that leaves Punk loopy, then follows up with a match-ending Attitude Adjustment.