22 July 2013

Monday Night Raw Results - July 22, 2013

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CM Punk called out Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar

One would think that CM Punk wasn’t feeling particularly talkative after his thrashing at the hands of Brock Lesnar last week, one would be right. Punk didn’t want to talk, he wanted to fight. Speaking of Lesnar’s true secret weapon – not his power, but the fear he inspires – Punk addressed The Anomaly's mystique head on with his boldest proclamation yet: “WWE.com, here’s your headline … I am not afraid of Brock Lesnar.”

Vowing to leave Lesnar as beaten as he was, Punk demanded a SummerSlam match of “The Best vs. The Beast,” and his fiery rhetoric summoned Paul Heyman, via satellite and apparently next to Lesnar himself (The Anomaly remained offscreen), to offer a rebuttal. In short, Heyman’s response was thus: “If it’s a fight you want, CM Punk, your challenge at SummerSlam is accepted.”