25 April 2014

WWE.com: The 50 best talkers in wrestling history

#16 CM Punk
"I’ve always viewed CM Punk’s promos as the cry of the wounded child. ‘I love you, don’t you love me? Am I not worthy of your love? Why don’t you love me? Look at the actions I’m driven to to earn your attention.’
"You’re talking about someone who spent his entire childhood being neglected. He was driven to do things to earn the attention that he coveted. So when CM Punk bares his soul, which he does in every single one of his promos, it’s mesmerizing to watch, because you’re seeing someone with, obviously, a hard-shell exterior exposing his own frailties. I don’t think there was ever a more cathartic statement delivered in WWE history than the moment CM Punk came out to the ring and said, ‘Do I have your attention now?’ " PAUL HEYMAN, as told to ZACH LINDER