25 November 2013

Monday Night Raw Results - November 25, 2013

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CM Punk & Daniel Bryan def. The Wyatt Family via Disqualification

The confidence of champions and some well-honed teamwork propelled CM Punk & Daniel Bryan to triumph at Survivor Series against Erick Rowan & Luke Harper. With Bray Wyatt himself joining the fray, though, all the braggadocio in the world wasn’t enough to save the two former WWE Champions from suffering the wrath of The Wyatts … and a few others as well.

Bray’s presence quickly galvanized Harper & Rowan into a new level of brutality, and for a while it looked like the former WWE Champions’ gooses were well and cooked until Punk came in to take control. Bryan tagged back in against Harper to reclaim the momentum when things turned sour, but the official lost control of the bout when all three Wyatts stormed the ring and ruled a Disqualification win for the dream team.

The night wasn’t quite over, though, as The Wyatts laid waste to Punk and hauled a beaten Bryan off to parts unknown. The Straight Edge Superstar gave chase but didn’t get far before Roman Reigns trucked him with a massive spear, following up with a Triple Powerbomb from the aid of his fellow Shield-mates that left Punk down for the count and then some.

Winner: CM Punk & Daniel Bryan