03 July 2013

5 dream opponents for Rob Van Dam

CM Punk

When Rob Van Dam last set foot in WWE, CM Punk was the buzzy ECW rookie who was competing for his job every night. Van Dam himself was the World Champion-contending “Paul Heyman Guy” who used the machinations of the mad scientist as a means to achieve glory. Now, of course, the tables have turned and Punk is the Heyman Guy (though possibly not for much longer) with a legend that casts a long shadow across the WWE roster, and RVD is the wild card returning to a landscape that some are wondering may have left him behind.

But when it comes to a pair of Heyman disciples who have more or less broken beyond the master’s influence, this could be a must-see match to see who the mad scientist’s greatest pet project turned out to be. But although Punk is the first Heyman Guy on this list, he certainly isn’t the last …

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