24 June 2013

Monday Night Raw Results - June 24, 2013

CM Punk confronted Paul Heyman

CM Punk’s got a lot on his mind, and it ain’t just the Chicago Blackhawks. There’s been trouble a-brewing in Punk’s own trusted circle following Brock Lesnar’s attack of The Straight Edge Superstar on Raw last week, and Despite his reluctance to air dirty laundry in front of the WWE Universe, Punk conceded to Paul Heyman's invitation to a public powwow. Punk, for his part, had two orders of business. Number One: Punk told Heyman to inform Lesnar that The Second City Saint was coming for him. And Number Two: More than anything else, Punk wanted the truth from Heyman as to whether or not The Anomaly was acting on his orders.

Heyman vehemently denied the allegations, swearing on his children that Lesnar acted alone and – despite the “professional jealousy” between his clients that led Heyman to keep them separate – he would never represent anyoneagainstThe Second City Saint. The heartfelt tell-all seemed to move Punk enough for a friendly embrace, but the conflicted expression on Punk’s face seemed to say more than either man, in all their eloquence, ever could.

Heyman vehemently denied the allegations, swearing on his children that Lesnar acted alone and – despite the “professional jealousy” between his clients that led Heyman to keep them separate – he would never represent anyoneagainstThe Second City Saint. The heartfelt tell-all seemed to move Punk enough for a friendly embrace, but the conflicted expression on Punk’s face seemed to say more than either man, in all their eloquence, ever could.

CM Punk vs. Darren Young 

Darren Young was truly ready for Prime Time on Raw when he mounted a challenge against CM Punk and acquitted himself incredibly well in defeat, nearly earning a win over The Straight Edge Superstar before finally falling to the former champ’s fury.

With Punk still getting his sea legs back under him, “Mr. No Days Off” mounted a stiff challenge against The Second City Saint and actually kept Punk on the ropes for a good chunk of the match. A Gut Buster to the former WWE Champion seemingly wrapped the bout up for Young, but Punk retaliated and tapped D. Young out in seconds with a ruthless Anaconda Vise. Titus O’Neil swarmed the ring to avenge his friend’s loss, but that brought out an unlikely cavalry in the form of Curtis Axel, who helped his fellow “Heyman Guy” send The Prime Time Players away … much to the seeming chagrin of Punk himself.
Winner: CM Punk 

After the match: Titus and Young started to beat CM Punk. Then Curtis Axel come out and help out CM Punk

Backstage: CM Punk didn't wanted Curtis Axel's
help. Now he wants to be alone. And just focus on winning the Money and the Bank and Brock Lesnar.