21 May 2013

13 'Paul Heyman Guys'

The list starts with the man who popularized the term. The man who was the reigning, defending WWE Champion for 434 consecutive days. The Best in the World. CM Punk.
In 2005, CM Punk was the hottest free agent in the world, having wrestled all across the globe, most notably for the Ring of Honor organization. He was signed by WWE, to be blunt, simply because he had great buzz. No one producing Raw or SmackDown knew what to do with this extraordinary talent who was determined to become recognized as The Best in the World. Yes, even then, Punk’s ambition was to be No. 1. He never imagined anything less for himself.

Unfortunately, no one else in WWE shared that vision. You’ll be reading that sentence, and similar ones to it, a lot today.

Punk was sent to WWE’s developmental organization, which at the time was in Louisville, Ky., and I was producing the television show. There was no doubt in my mind I had just been handed a future WrestleMania main eventer, and I was astounded at the fact that no one in in the WWE management agreed with my assessment. I fought for CM Punk because I believed in CM Punk both personally and professionally, and even after I left WWE in December 2006 (and some would say I martyred myself at the altar in my belief of CM Punk’s greatness), we remained very tight because our friendship transcended WWE and the entire industry.

A lot of people try to categorize the nature of my relationship with CM Punk. I’m here as a friend, a support staff, a lobbyist for CM Punk to receive the respect that he has earned and deserves. If for no other reason than because he was the reigning, defending WWE Champion for 434 consecutive days. CM Punk has earned the distinction of being known as The Best in the World. I’m here to ensure he is recognized as such, as I’m going to assist him in that goal, with or without anyone’s blessing.

If you must know why, I’m happy to enlighten you. It’s because, with all my heart and soul, I’m a “CM Punk Guy!”
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