04 April 2013

Welcome back to 'The CM Punk Blog'

Were back!!!! Welcome back to one and only online source, WWE Superstar CM Punk. Last time I posted was nearly year ago. Lot of questions for why I took off and hadn't post. Me and my crew were thinking if we should keep this site going. Cause of school and other future things we should worry about. We didn't know if we should shut it, so we just let it stayed on for a year. And never post a thing. Today, 4/4/13, we are improved and ready to post about CM Punk. We got everything under control and set for the future. We took a rest for a year. And its time to get blogging of CM Punk. I thought it would be more suitable to get back on site. Since CM Punk is battling one of the greatest match with the Undertaker this Sunday. Its time to blog and its time for CM Punk for some action this Sunday. Giving me your thought about CM Punk v. Undertaker at WrestleMania 29? Lets get blogging!
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